Joyce’s Story

Nakirya Joyce is 14 years old, she is in To God’s Glory ministry education sponsorship program, and she is in primary seven attending Nakanyonyi Boarding primary school. Along with paying her tuition and boarding fees, To God’s Glory ministry has also supplied other necessary requirements for her to attend boarding school including books, mattress, bedding, pens, note books, soap, and toilet paper.

They are a total of 8 children in her family and she is the third born. Her dad abandoned the family four years back so it is the mother striving to support the entire family. The mother finds little work to do so the family has passed through a lot of challenges to be able to support themselves. Two years back when they were still in Kananzoki village, Kaliro district, Joyce and her other siblings used to dig in peoples gardens to be able to earn some little money to pay their school fees and also feed the family.

After some time of struggle in the village, Joyce’s mother brought the family to settle in Jinja district, Bugembe village where she is still struggling as a single mother. Joyce is very grateful to God for being one of the 40 students sponsored by To God’s glory ministry and she is scoring high grades in school.